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Welcome to Miscarriage Movement
A website & community dedicated to supporting those who've experienceD pregnancy loss at any stage.
From the very moment your eyes meet those two lines on that positive pregnancy test, you know your life will be forever changed. You instantly start imagining what lies ahead for you in this new chapter of your life called motherhood. But what most of us don’t picture is what happens to more than 1 in 4: that our pregnancy would end in miscarriage.
The reality is that miscarriage is incredibly common. In fact, if you ask your family members, friends, colleagues and even perfect strangers, you’ll probably be surprised by the amount of people who’ve gone through one, two, three or more. It’s a shared experience that for far too long we’ve shoved under the rug and shamed from conversation. Until now.
"A mother's grief is as timeless as her love."
Miscarriage Movement fills the void left by the pregnancy and parenting blogs and magazines who miss the shared commonalities that so many of us go through involving miscarriage, loss and the up and down journey of trying to grow our families.
Our content focuses on what it’s like to go through miscarriage—mentally, emotionally and physically. We’re here to help you navigate the unchartered waters of losing a pregnancy and to support you through the tumultuous journey of coming to terms with your new reality; one that looks vastly different from the one you imagined—and hoped for.
Miscarriage Movement redefines what it means to experience pregnancy loss and serves as a sounding board for sufferers to regain their strength, resilience and perseverance with a sense of community, companionship and, most of all, support.
"Grief is like the ocean. It comes in waves ebbing and flowing. All we can do is learn to swim."
Vicki Harrison Tweet
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